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Web Services
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Development Done Right

We carefully write every line of code by hand, allowing for better real-world performance and more flexibility when it comes to designing your website. We don't use bloated plugins, third-party code, WordPress, or page builders.

For the best conversion rates and higher search rankings, faster websites are where it's at.

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Sleek & Modern

We specialize in modern, clean website designs. This makes it easier for customers to navigate your website and it directs their attention to what matters most.

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Mobile Compatibility

Over 58% of all web traffic comes from a mobile device. That's why we design your website to be compatible with desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and everything in between.

Visit your website from anywhere.

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Search Engine Optimized

To rank your website higher on Google, we follow all the latest and greatest SEO best practices. User accessibility, quick loading times, mobile and tablet support, and clean code structures each play an important role in Google's ranking algorithm.

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Hosting Included

To make your website available on the web, it needs to be hosted online. Hosting is included in the monthly fee, so no need to give it another thought.

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Unlimited Changes

Call me at any time. I will update your images, change your prices, or modify your products and services quickly and effectively.

Don't sweat it.

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A Developer You Can Trust

The #1 complaint I hear about other development companies is a lack of communication (or none at all).

That will not be your experience with Tedly. Clear communication and timely replies are our standard.

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Searching For Something Else?

I offer other services as well.
Give me a call.


Need something more complex?

I do that too portfolio.

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Still figuring out what you need?

Let me answer your questions.

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Problems with a website someone else made?

Let me fix it for you.

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